
ATF Singapore 2023 to have its first Animation Lab & Pitch

A new partnership has been established between Asia’s key content market and conference, the Asia TV Forum (ATF), and the leading program for Asian-European co-productions, TIES THAT BIND (TTB), to launch a brand-new lab and pitch tailored specifically to the needs of the animation industry.

The Asia TV Forum and TIES THAT BIND are joining forces for the “ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch”, starting in 2023. This new initiative will bring together producers with projects from Asia and Europe with the potential and desire to explore new financing and co-production opportunities, new markets, and new audiences in both continents.

The Lab & Pitch is organized in partnership with the European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs (EAVE), Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, Southeast Asian Audio-Visual Association (SAAVA), and supported by Creative Europe – MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union.

What is ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch?

“The Animation Lab & Pitch” brings together selected producers with animation projects from Asia and Europe, offering an insight into the animation markets, financing, and co-production possibilities in both continents.

An intensive 5-day online prep session in autumn segueing to a second onsite lab, an open pitch, and further onsite activities with renowned industry decision-makers in December, the aim of the training is to prepare the participants for the market launch and pitch of their projects. Onsite events will take place at the Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) in Singapore on December 6—8, 2023.

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